Within the Carpet section of our website, you can find useful information, advice, and guidance on the typical carpets we supply and fit, which may assist you in selecting the right product for you.
Take a look at our carpets Information page, it provides you with quite a bit of information on the different types of carpet.
How the makeup of a carpet differs and how that can affect the look, feel and performance as a flooring product.
Additionally, this page will try to assist you in making an informed decision when it comes to choosing the right type of carpet for your home or property.

Take a look at our carpet brands page and it’s sub-pages, you will find information and images on the many different types of typical brands of carpet that we stock.
Our carpets are selectively sourced from the leading manufacturers within the UK, such as Brockway, Penthouse, Kingsmead, and Westex, to mention only a few of our partners.
(This page only contains a limited view of the typical brands we stock. These are the leading manufactures within the UK and their product ranges are extensive).

Finally, why not take a look at our Carpets gallery page, which includes both an image slider and a full gallery with thumbnails for you to view through quickly.
The carpet photo gallery can be useful to provide you with inspiration when it comes to choosing the right product for your home or property.
The gallery is updated from time to time, with newer photos and does not cover all of the work we have done.